Health and Fitness Tips

Category — News

Dog Is An Obese Child’s Best Friend

The study published in the Health Promotion Journal of Australia said that overweight children could lose the pounds simply by owning a dog. A team of scientists believes the battle of the bulge can be won not only with fresh fruit or strenuous exercise but with simple, playful activity with a four-legged friend. Young children […]

October 28, 2012   No Comments

Eating Junk Food Can Make You Depressed

Those who regularly eat high-fat foods, processed meals, desserts and sweets are almost 60 per cent more likely to suffer depression than those who choose fruit, vegetables and fish. Researchers claim their study is the first to investigate the link between overall diet and mental health, rather than the effects of individual foods. Dr Eric […]

October 10, 2012   No Comments

Simple Diet to Fight Arthritis and Alzheimer’s Disease

The latest diet craze is nothing like the usual offerings. You don’t have to count calories or even cut your food intake drastically. There’s also no promise of instant weight loss, though you probably will become more trim. What this diet will do is help prevent illnesses such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s and possibly cancer, […]

September 3, 2012   No Comments

Relax Can Help You Lose Weight

Research shows that women who want to lose weight should ditch their diets and learn to relax instead. At the end of a two-year study, women who followed a programme of yoga and meditation had lost weight and kept it off, while those who focused purely on exercise and nutrition had not. The ‘relaxed’ women […]

August 17, 2012   1 Comment