Health and Fitness Tips

How to Treat Cold Sores?

Ruth Robinson from Clitheroe, Lancs has problem with cold sores. She have been suffering from recurrent cold sores, and have had two bad viral infections. These gave her terrible headaches and general flu-like symptoms. “Is there any advice to help me get out of this cycle of being run down and picking up new bugs” […]

November 5, 2012   No Comments

Relax Can Help You Lose Weight

Research shows that women who want to lose weight should ditch their diets and learn to relax instead. At the end of a two-year study, women who followed a programme of yoga and meditation had lost weight and kept it off, while those who focused purely on exercise and nutrition had not. The ‘relaxed’ women […]

August 17, 2012   1 Comment

Save a Heart Attack Victim

How To Tips : helping people who got heart attack with chest compressions You’re about to catch a train when a fellow passenger starts to complain of chest pain. You are worried he’s having a heart attack. You call an ambulance, but next thing you know the man has collapsed – and he looks dead. […]

August 14, 2012   No Comments

Is There Any Health Benefit In Eating Frozen Food Rather Than Tinned?

Frozen food has long had a reputation for being inferior to fresh, on a par with canned. But this is now largely undeserved. Frozen fish is a good example of how freezing has come a long way. Back in the Seventies and early Eighties, when we weren’t so picky or knowledgeable, frozen fish consisted mainly […]

July 14, 2012   No Comments