Health and Fitness Tips

Detoxing for Health

If you feel you get rapid weight gain? Or your body gets sluggish and feels the stressful. It could be signs of having toxins in your body. These toxins can affect your whole body fitness and health. You will often experience continuous aching, constipation, diarrhea, and feeling of clumsiness. Toxins in the body are found […]

March 25, 2009   No Comments

Benefits of Detoxing for Health

It seems to be a little disgusting when you are detoxing or cleansing. Your body shows some signs that you have built up toxins. These toxins can affect your whole body fitness and health. There are times that you feel sluggish and feel the stressful. Your body may experience continuous aching, diarrhea, constipation, and feeling […]

March 1, 2009   No Comments

You Are What You Eat – Only Half of the Equation

When we look at the total picture of a healthy life, we think of eating organic foods, exercise, rest, sunshine, taking multivitamins, some people know that minerals need to be included. However, many people neglect working on the other half of the equation—elimination. If we have poor elimination our body stores toxins in cells, organs […]

January 28, 2009   No Comments